Merci a vous! What an incredible way to celebrate my 1 year anniversary!

Merci à vous qui avez partagé ce merveilleux moment d’échange, de gratitude sous cette nouvelle lune et avec le pouvoir de la musique et du chant pendant le voyage sonore: Le Murmure des Fées!

I feel so honored to have shared with such a lovely group of people and bathe them in the highest of sound frequencies! I have been living in France for exactly one year and aside from the bumps due to the “great pause” I feel so blessed to be creating a beautiful home here and leading sound meditations online and in-person from my sacred sound temple in Chartres.

I look forward to continue creating more sound immersion experiences for the english, french and spanish speaking communities worldwide!


L'Éveil du Printemps: Voyage Sonore Immersif et cérémonie du cacao


March 9th- The Whisper of the Fairy- Live Sound Meditation Journey