March 2nd- Live Sound Meditation Tuesday

Modern biochemists, astrophysicists and yogis all agree that at the molecular level of our reality, our bodies are systems of vibrating atomic particles. Each part of the body, each cell, gland and organ resonate with different frequencies and hence can be said to have its own particular keynote.

It’s incredible to know that are physical bodies make up a specific frequency and that our frequency can change according to what surrounds us. That’s why it’s so important to be surrounded with positivity as much as possible. Have you ever seen the experiment of the plant that gets yelled at everyday vs the plant that get sung to? I bet you can imagine which plant flourishes and which one slowly dies? The frequencies of our every day life are paramount to our every day living! I invite you to bathe in sound with me tonight!

At the very core of our being, we are composed of sound. Being composed at our core of vibration it would make sense that the vibrations around us would have impact on us, but how?
Join me for a live sound meditation journey at 6pm EST/3pmPST/12am CET.
Click link for more details! I look forward to sharing with you 💕


March 8th- Live Sound Meditation- El Murmullo del Hada-


February 23- Live via Zoom- Sound Meditation with Andrea